
I've decided to start a sketch-a-day project, mainly for fun, but also because I spend most of my time painting, sometimes spending weeks on one piece, which means I could easily let the sketching slip. So I will aim to sketch one stand-up comedian per day and post it here and/or facebook. My apologies in advance if I miss a day or two, I will try and keep it going!

So to start with, here are three sketches from the last three days. They are of three British comedians, Ben Elton Jack Dee and Jo Brand.


Eddie Van Gogh saidā€¦
Hi Paul,
Like your crosshatching! have you talked or done a tutorial of your crosshatching technique?
Toby Kinread saidā€¦
Excellent sketches Paul, love the look on Jack's face!
Sam Sutton saidā€¦
Looking forward to them Paul!
Greg saidā€¦
Awesome Paul! This will be fun to follow!!
Especially love Dee and Brand.
Mike Eppe saidā€¦
Nice !

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