Got the call for this late Thursday night, but it wasn't known who I'd be drawing because the debate (Palin/Biden) hadn't even happened yet. Did some likeness sketches of Biden before going to bed, but awoke to an email saying Palin was the one I'd be drawing. The Standard are a conservative paper, and Palin was to be shown in a favourable light. I decided to go for a simple heroic, head-held-high-after-her-victory pose.
The rendering was about 11 hours, finished with about 2 hours to spare before the deadline, just in case there were any corrections to come from the AD. There weren't.
your fan,
But, mostly I recommend continuing to visit blogs like Paul's on a daily basis. While not always containing full on tutorials, I have found that the insight that I gain into their working methods by seeing their daily sketches as well as finished work, has really helped my own artwork grow immensely. Thanks so much, Paul!
And Dan, stay tuned as Lash very kindly states, because I've almost finished a video of my latest photoshop creation (one of my favourite pieces so far). I'll be talking on it too, so hopefully I can be as informative as I can! I'm always happy to share my process with anyone who'll listen:)
Yeah, I would love to link your blog to mine!
I only have to figure out the way do it!
A friend send me a link... I'll have to try it out!!!
I'm not to familiar with all these things with computers! haha!
Keep me posted.
(go Obama!)