Ali Update!

Still working on it, nearly done!


Toby Kinread saidā€¦
That is looking Amazing, wow!
Greg saidā€¦
Looking great Paul!! Oil?
Paul Moyse saidā€¦
Thank you both! Yes, it's oil.
Steve Hearn saidā€¦
Fantastic work Paul!
martinealison saidā€¦
Un autre trĆØs beau tableau... MAGNIFIQUE.
Gros bisous.
Karl S saidā€¦
Excellent , love it.
Nelson Santos saidā€¦
Slendid job Paul, thats what i call a painting not silly photoshop, kudos to you!
Patrick Strogulski saidā€¦
Outstanding !!!
David Dunne Art saidā€¦
this is awesome have been looking forward to seeing it. cant wait for the finished piece
Marvin Lorenz saidā€¦
Faboun'e saidā€¦
realy realy nice piece....! !! congrats..!!!! And thx for show us some pictures of your work on it..!

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