Martin Sheen for Radio Times

This was done the week before last for the issue out last Saturday. I chose to do this in oils, mainly to prove a point to myself that I could work to a deadline with a traditional painting and deliver a result I would be happy with. I'm pretty happy with this, there are a few details I probably would have added if I was working digitally, but the final print size of this is so small that they weren't as important as the overall image. Also, if the print size was bigger I'd be working on a bigger original so I could get closer to that detail. The client was very happy, so I feel I've done my job with it.

I had a couple of days for the rendering on this, I've got another one of these to do this week, but due to having other things to do, I'll be working digitally :(. I look forward to doing more illustrations in oils soon though! Here are the dimensions for the piece:

Original: 20 x 36cm
Print Size: 37.5 x 71.5mm


Toby Kinread saidā€¦
Great work! It looks awesome

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