400 Followers!! + my Nicholson sketch stolen!!!

So the good news is that this blog has reached 400 followers, so thank you all! The bad news is that I have had one of my sketches ripped off by a street 'artist' in New York. My thanks to Dan Springer for the photo. Dan is an artist friend of mine from NY, he took this photo on 39th Street. The guy ripping off my Nicholson, (among other artist's works that he has casually lifted from the internet and used as though he has free right to do so), cannot be called an artist. He is a thief, and a conman. He is conning the public into thinking he can draw. If he could, surely he would use his own artwork to advertise his business?? This is a shallow practice that can be seen all over the world (I have seen it here in the UK in Leicester Square, London), but this is the first time I have seen one of my sketches being used.

I just feel sorry for the people he cons into sitting for him. :(


It happens to the best of us man. Congrats on the followers!
Paul Moyse saidā€¦
Thanks Andy! It's just a shame it's happening in the first place. :(
wrodcarica saidā€¦
Hi Paul,
This is difficult and sad situation...But you should see in another way, the guy copy your work because it is a very good...The talent belongs you !!Congratulations for the 400 followers...This is my goal.
joari71 saidā€¦
I'm sorry for this.

I'm following your trajetory for the las 2 months I've bought my new Intuos4 Medium and I think you are one the best inspirations for my art and developement as an artist.

Thanks for being there and mantain your work active.

Continue on your way, please. ;-)
Salah Khudari saidā€¦
I wish your friend took a picture of the "artist"...a public shaming is in order!! and no less then 400 people would see it;)
Steve Roberts saidā€¦
A true artist, no doubt about it, a CON artist that is! This is wrong on so many levels and must be incredibly frustrating to be the victim of this type of theft. Congratulations on the 400 followers,I had a minnie celebration the other day because I hit double figures. Oh well ;)
Kage saidā€¦
Next to yours, Nicholson, is
my drawing of Japanese writer girl.

I am not sure if customer don't complaine to see the difference between sample art work and their own live sketch...
hanzz saidā€¦
real stinking thing to do...pity we don't know the name of the "artist" and so cannot compare his work with the top work displayed...

can something be done ? I don't think so.
Aidan Cooney saidā€¦
It is the sincerest form of Flattery as well ...Congratulations on 400 !
TIKI WOLF saidā€¦
...and only five bucks!
That should be a tip-off to anyone that this guy is a con.

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