Exaggerated Features Cover

Hi guys. Did this last month for the cover of Exaggerated Features magazine, the quarterly publication of ISCA. I was honoured to be asked, and even though I don't think this is my best work, I'm fairly happy with the end result. It was done over the course of 2-3 days, at a period when I was pretty busy. ISCA members should have a copy by now, mine came last week. Debbie did a great job putting it all together.
Working on a couple of things at the moment, not least of which is a how-to book, which I'll be making available on a print-on-demand basis. It's a bit of a labour of love, a collection of my favourite pieces over the last 3 years, with my thoughts on what I have learnt so far, and some new tutorials. I'm pleased with the way it's going.
Cheers buddy.