Radio Times at Christmas

Here's the second part. This one is for the christmas edition of the Radio Times (out today), to illustrate a Radio 4 programme by Ian Hislop investigating the origins of the 'three wise men' in the christmas nativity. Apparently there is barely a mention of them in the bible, but they are a key part of the modern nativity. Sounds like an interesting programme, I'll certainly be listening!

Here's the first part of what I've been working on over the last couple of weeks. These are illustrations for the Radio Times, a popular and long-running TV and radio listings magazine, and a bit of an institution in the UK, so I was very proud to have worked on them. Both are for the radio lead page, the first to illustrate David Jason's reading of 'A Christmas Carol' on Radio 4. For anyone not familiar with David Jason (most people in the UK will know him well), feel free to google his name for reference. The Scrooge illustration is out today in the 13-19th December issue (with Nigella Lawson on the cover), and the next will be in the christmas issue on sale this Saturday, so I will share that with you then. For now I hope you enjoy this one.


kencoogan saidā€¦
Hey Paul. Congratulations of getting your work published in such a high profile magazine. Secondly, your David Jason is absolutely fantastic! Love the style you've used and the likeness is dead on as usual!!!
SEILER saidā€¦
Paul, this is OUTSTANDING brother . . . really nice work!
Marlo saidā€¦
Jorge Restrepo H. saidā€¦
ItĀ“s fantastic your work!
Nelson Santos saidā€¦
Very good Paul his face is almost popping out the screen.
Tooninator saidā€¦
nice nice. Great stuff
Vincenzo saidā€¦
Congrats on these wonderful pieces and the high profile deserve it Mate!!!
Tim Bye saidā€¦
Amazing Paul! You've totally nailed the likenesses on both - really great!
Paul Moyse saidā€¦
Thanks for the comments guys!
SEILER saidā€¦
Cool angle and palette on the Manger Scene piece . . . !
Unknown saidā€¦
Hello Paul. I love your your work and admire your skill. Each drawing is better that the previous. I have put you a link in my blog to recommend you to my visitors. Greetings!
Niall O loughlin saidā€¦
Top work as always Paul, well done.
Dominic Philibert saidā€¦
Very nice Paul!!
Love the bottom one
You rock!
Artalexis saidā€¦
Very interesting your work very good drawings will happen again
Maritze saidā€¦
Great stuff. Beautiful colour, and very appealing caricatures.
Mark Heng saidā€¦
David Jason is one of my favorite actors...Darling Buds of May, yo! Nice one, Paul!
andres alvez saidā€¦
Cool!!!! Muy bueno amigo
Nico Di Mattia saidā€¦
Awesome work Paul!
MANPOLO saidā€¦
Love it...Awesome.

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