Willie Nelson

Just a quick sketch from last night. I've got lots in the pipe-line at the moment, plenty of commissions to keep me busy, lots of fun stuff that hopefully I can share with you soon. I've had a few emails about painting with acrylics, and I know a while back I said I'd like to put a DVD together of my painting process, so I can promise that I'll be making this within the next two months, and any questions you'd like me to address, PLEASE SHARE THEM!! I'd be happy to answer as many of them on camera as I can, and give credit to the person with the question.


Aaron Ludwig saidā€¦
Scribbler saidā€¦
Spot on, great technique as always man
Unknown saidā€¦
Pavel Jakubec saidā€¦
Brillant work,congrat,paul!!
pxmolina saidā€¦
Wonderful Nelson!
Mahesh saidā€¦
Excellent sketch!!
ian saidā€¦
Very Good one! really great likeness!

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