Happy Birthday Irving Berlin (March 11th)

This is all with a 4B pencil and white colouring pencil on a fairly dark toned paper. Usually I vary the leads I use, but with the darker paper I felt I had more freedom. Had to photograph it rather than scan it because of the reflection off the pencil.


Scribbler saidā€¦
Cool style, great likeness!
SEILER saidā€¦
Awesome Paul!
Anthony Pascoe saidā€¦
Fantastic sketch Paul !
douce saidā€¦
That is a Fantastic piece-- really nice job!
Aaron Ludwig saidā€¦
ramanjit saidā€¦
great idea.awesome work!!!
Mahesh saidā€¦
Woh!! Beautiful stuff!!
Niall O loughlin saidā€¦
Great drawing Paul, one of best in awhile.
ARI saidā€¦
ARI saidā€¦
precious! Nice atmosphere.
BĆ£pp saidā€¦
Vincenzo saidā€¦
That's one gorgeous sketch Mate...love that it's all traditional (although there looks like there was a little photoshop involved? Gradient tool?)
Paul Moyse saidā€¦
Thanks guys! Vin, thanks for that, and to answer your question, no, the gradient is because it was photographed rather badly by myself ;) It's still a pretty good representation of the actual sketch though.
Eric Zampieri saidā€¦
I really enjoyed to visit your blog.

That's rather smashing I should say.
kencoogan saidā€¦
Beautiful technique Paul! Really nice sketch.
Tim Bye saidā€¦
Wonderful stuff Paul - really great!!!

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