Sen. Charles Schumer

My latest work for the Weekly Standard. I really enjoyed this, partly because it had a slightly longer deadline (two days), but mostly because the brief included a lot of story background, on a subject I was unfamiliar with. So I felt like I was learning a bit more about American politics in the process. The nutshell of the story is that NY Senator Charles Schumer has been blocking a commemoration bill for the last six-seven years since 9/11, stopping the federal government awarding the passengers and crew of Flight 93 a congressional gold medal, apparently the highest honour the congress can give to a civilian. Many bills have been attempted, but all have failed, thanks to Mr Schumer.

I did the sketch in Photoshop, which was on top of a rough sent back and forth between myself and the AD. In total the actual painting probably took around 15 hours.


Chris saidā€¦
Nice work! Do you get your sketch approved before you move onto the final product?
Paul Moyse saidā€¦
Hi Chris. Thanks for the comment. To answer your question, there are normally two sketch stages, first is the rough thumbnails, showing ideas, then after feedback from the AD I move on to the final sketch, wait for approval on that, then move on to the final piece.
Kev Levell saidā€¦
Really nice weight to the staging and subject of this piece. You've really struck a balance here. Great work as always Paul. You've got the guy bang on as well - I particularly like the smug expression.
Paul Moyse saidā€¦
Thanks Kevin!

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