Likewise Nate. I was going to leave it as just white hair, but the white just got lost in the background. The line could have been a touch lighter perhaps. Thanks for the observation.
Thanks Em. Indeed, I think the lure of less of a work-load, a longer deadline, and the chance to win an Op De Beeck sketch has made more of us compete. As always though, it's just an opportunity for us all to improve our skills.
Anonymous said…
Paul, you said, "just a chance for us to improve out skills" how in hell can YOU improve!!! You're already perfect! I mean that with every fibre of my being. All the best Paul, you're my inspiration. Bob Bischoff-Fincher
Anonymous said…
"just a chance for us to improve out skills" Should have said "OUR" skills, not "OUT". Sorry 'bout dat!
hello! i love this caricature!! it's sooo good! and the colour scheme!! congrats man! for all your work !! I also like the one of Sarkozy too! the humour in it makes it even better!!
Take care
All the best Paul, you're my inspiration.
Bob Bischoff-Fincher