Ricky Gervais Painted With Animated Progression

I've recorded the progression and animated it in a .gif file, hope you like! 'Sketch-A-Day' will be returning very soon.


Ilustra GUGA! saidā€¦
\O/! Awesome work, I liki so much the skin color and bright to, very good! Hey could you visit my blog?

Hugs From GUGA!
Ilustra GUGA! saidā€¦
Awesome!!!!! I like so much about the skin color and bright! Hey, come to visit my blog Moyse! Will be a plesure

Hugs from GUGA!
Vincenzo saidā€¦
@#$% fantastic!!!
Sami saidā€¦
Thanks for the demo gif. Very helpful :)
Neil Davies saidā€¦
Really nice work Paul! Best caricature of him I've seen for sure.
Cosmin Podar saidā€¦
Awesome Paul, really dig this one and your sketch for a day program :)
Javier B.V saidā€¦
It's incredible man!
Aaron Wilkin saidā€¦
This is awesome!!! Great expression!!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
That is so cool, captured him perfectly.
Paco saidā€¦
Amazing! Great expression!
DeJarnette Designs saidā€¦
Love it!

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