Obama - for Weekly Standard

Started this piece for the Weekly Standard on thursday morning, finished Friday night. I used the extra time I had on this to really explore the options, with tighter deadlines there isn't always that luxury. In a way having more time is a good thing, but it can also mean you end up seeing too many options! I went through several ideas, including drawing the desk from a high angle to fit the whole desk in, drawing Obama face-on, drawing him looking depressed...I must have spent half a day sketching and trawling through reference photos, until I came upon one that I liked. I also found that everything started to fit together when I began simplifying, only focusing on the main elements of the piece: Obama, the oval office, and the sign on the desk.


Eric Zampieri saidā€¦
I love it! I like the color scheme.
kencoogan saidā€¦
Ruddy bloody excellent job Paul!!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Very nice!!!

SEILER saidā€¦
Nice job!
Aaron Wilkin saidā€¦
Great job on OBOMA!!!!
Aaron Wilkin saidā€¦
Sorry!!!! Meant to say.....Great job on OBAMA!!!!
Unknown saidā€¦
Top job Paul - that's a great pose you have him in.
Pavel Jakubec saidā€¦
Great job !
Rick Wright saidā€¦
Great job!
Patrick Strogulski saidā€¦
Topnotch illustration !!!
David Lewis saidā€¦
Cool! The transition of Obama's caricature is perfect! I must say your a great caricature artist

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